Growing up as children there was this popular song we all sang which vividly described the events leading to the unfortunate demise of undoubtedly Ghana's greatest ever goalkeeper Robert Mensah.
The song which was sang in Twi gave picturesque events leading to the death of Robert Mensah and the aftermath which resulted in her then pregnant wife giving birth prematurely to Robert Mensah Jnr. aka Kofi Anto[ means did not come to meet his father or parents].
Now the 50 year old Robert Mensah jnr. aka Kofi Antoh who never met his father was only handed his father's famous cap he used to wear whiles playing for Asante Kotoko and the Black Stars of Ghana.
Son of the legendary Robert Mensah, says that he will never trade his father's famous cap he used to wear even for a pot of gold as it is the only thing that gives him fond memories of the father he never met.
Robert Mensah Jnr aka Kofi Antoh never met his father as he was callously stabbed to death following a brawl in a Tema night club before he was born.
When Goalkeeper Robert Mensah was stabbed to death, his wife was six months pregnant and upon hearing the news, she went into forced labour.
Kofi Anto who is disabled says in an interview with Black Rasta that he would not even give up the cup for the chance to walk again.
— (@SaddickAdams)