Renowned news anchor with Promise Broadcasting, Oduhyefou Nana Asabre Pinamang has expressed worry over different interpretation of the Holy bible by pastors.
According to him, Christians have been deceived by most Pastors and they are leading them to the wrong path.
Commenting on the Anti LGBTQ+ bill brouhaha on Oyerepa FM morning show, the Apenkrahene Kyeame indicated many pastors used their mind to interpret the Bible just to suit themselves.
“Most of our pastors have deceived us, they have made us lost….How can all the pastors have different interpretation to the Holy Bible”. He said.
According to him, there are events in the Bible which is not applicable in today’s world.
Nana Asabre revealed that he does not take many Church serious.
“When we follow most of our pastors it will not help us….I’m a member of Roman Catholic church… I will not say all things Catholic churches are doing is right so I abide to it, no!… the Bible says when ever I wake up I should praise the Lord, dedicate myself to him and I should not hurt anyone, live righteous life, am done” He stated.
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